
您所在的位置:网站首页 yearn for doing sth 专八改错攻略.docx


2023-04-25 11:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、专八改错攻略1.短语搭配错误 (大部分为介词错误)carry/get with things carry/get on with thingsto let alone let alonein return to in return forthe need of the need forsubstitute A with B substitute A for Baccount 70%- account for 70%under the grounds of/that on the grounds of/thatattitude on life attitude towards/to lifein

2、 a quick speed at a quick speedwith many respects in many respects With respect to 关于at the face of in the face(s) ofconsiderations to considerations forbecome victims of - become victims to ride in a train ride on a trainthe problems with the government the problems for the governmentresistive agai

3、nst resistive toresistance of resistance toembark sth embark on sthwith the belief that in the belief thatat advance of sth in advance of sthinterpret to interpret asin line to in line withto varing degrees in varing degreestake pride of take pride in leap out to me leap out at me 跳出来扑向某人inject them

4、 lethal strains inject them with lethal strains 用某人注射菌株charge himwiththe same price charge him the same priceimbalance of A and B imbalance between A and Bshortage of protein with them shortage of protein among themfortify sb for sth fortify sb against sth (加强以抵御)shed light to sth shed/cast light on

5、 sth 阐明;使清楚地显出in proportion with in proportion topay for it with dollars pay for it in dollarsbe in liberty to be at liberty to 有自由做begin at doing begin with doingbe contrasted to be contrasted withcommit an offence to commit an offence against 违反,破坏modern time modern timesability of (doing) sth abi

6、lity in (doing) sth 具有defend sth against defend sth fromat the first place in the first placepay money in doing pay money for doingtake to do take to doing (“求助于,开始”,to为介词) 养成的习惯yearn to yearn forat average on averageidentify oneself to identify oneself with 参与;与打成一片be successful on doing be success

7、ful at/in doingget ones teeth on get ones teeth into(埋头做,认真做)the action of formation the action of forming (of后应接动名词而非名词)approach to do approach to doing 接近;约等于;通往的方法one contributor of one contributor toconsumers demand of luxury goods consumers demand for luxury goodson ones 30s in ones 30sbalk to

8、balk at (回避,绕过) shy away from 回避,退缩;躲避;羞于differ A from B distinguish A from Bsuit to sb/sth suit for sb/sthvary by vary withemphasis of emphasis on2.易混词错误(1)形近异义词imaginative imaginaryadapt adoptconfirm conformformer formaldiary dairypersonal personnelbeside besidesprincipal principleintelligent inte

9、lligible adj. 可理解的;明了的;仅能用智力了解的conscious conscientious 认真的;尽责的;本着良心的;小心谨慎的 stationaryadj. 固定的;静止的;定居的;常备军的 n. 不动的人;驻军 stationery 文具;信纸considerate considerableaffect(影响) effect(致使、达成)contact contractmoral moraleindustrious industrialdesert dessertrequire acquire inquirepresence presentationsensible s

10、ensitivetransformation transmissionvalue evaluatetense tensionanything somethingcooker cookcomplexity(复杂性) complex(合成体)insurance assuranceprovide(提供) provided/providing(假设,如果)perceive conceiveeffective(有效的) affective(受影响的,由引起的)(2)形近(形异)近义词latter laterlate(迟的,已故的) latest(最晚的,最新的)farther(距离更远) further

11、(程度更进一步)healthy(健康的) healthful(有益健康的)effective efficientcontinual(连续的) continuous(持续不断的)respectable respectful 恭敬的;有礼貌的historic historicalrise arise raise arousesure insure ensure assurein return to in response toopposite oppositionproducing productivelonely aloneacross crossimpressed - impressivepe

12、rmit(n.通行证) permissionrelating relatedmemorizing memorablenormal(n.常态,通常标准,一般水平) norm(规范,行为标准)favorite favorableacceptability acceptanceeconomical economicfew littlea few fewlittle a littleinvent discoverbefore agoanother otheragent(代理人) agency(代理机构)reward(回馈) award(奖赏)special specific(3)兼有两种形式的副词fi

13、rstly first (firstly用于列举条目或者表示顺序,first表示时间上“第一次、首次”)hardly(几乎不) hard(努力地)sure surelylate latelyclear(完全地、径直地) clearly(显然、清楚地)high(高度高地) highly(程度高地、非常)close(接近地、紧密地) closely(紧密地、严密地)most(最) most(大部分)(4)反义词with withoutpossible impossiblesubjective objectiveimport exportbetter worseemployee employerem

14、ployment unemploymentmodifiable unmodifiablenatural unnaturaldiscernable indiscernablelent borrowedexclusive inclusiveindependency dependencywilling unwillingnothing more than nothing less thanagree disagreerarely frequently / oftenspecific generalless more (still more still less)most leastknown unk

15、nownrespective irrespective (irrespective of表示“不管”)majority minorityresult in result fromfortunately - unfortunatelypowerful powerlesseasiness uneasinessprofessional amateuraware unawareinclude exclude(5) 名词单复数异义moral morals(作名词时用复数形式,表示“道德、伦理”)collection(不可数名词表示“各种因素集合体”) collections(可数名词表示“收藏品”)ma

16、nner(方法,方式) manners(礼仪,礼节)saving savings(复数表示“存款”)specie(硬币) species(种类)(species只有单数)mean(n.平均值) means(方法)(6) 易混短语live with(同一起生活,忍受) live by(靠过活)go about (doing) sth(开始做某事,四处走动,流传,经常从事于) go around(四处走动,绕道走)tend to intend toin next week(以当下时间为基准点) in the next week(以过去的时间为基准点)spend in doing sth spend

17、 on sthdie of(内部) die from(外部)rather than other thanhave sb do sth have sth donetake on(从事,开始对付,呈现) go on(继续)take place take the place ofconsist in(在于) consist of(包括)in all(总共) after all(毕竟)in return(作为报答) in turn(反过来,轮流)one reason for +短语 one reason why +句子bring out(使显露,使显现) bring up(教育,培养,提出,(船)抵达

18、目的地)be worth doing be worthwhile to doreact to(对作出反应) react with(以作出反应)apply to(将应用于) apply for(请求,申请)3.逻辑关系错误(连词使用错误)therefore nevertheless/however(大部分therefore都要改为however,反之亦然)and but / whileor andbut becausemoreover howeverafter beforesince althoughthere is no there is alsothat iffrom now on from

19、 then onall nonebesides yetif unlessbesides excepttherefore becauseso becauseso does he neither/nor does hethats why +结果 thats because +原因as if even ifwhether if4.代词错误(一致错误)their itsthat those(需要特别注意)which that (有些情况下关系代词只能用that)which whatit itself (主宾相同,宾语用反身代词)that/this it (只有it可作形式主语)his ones (泛指

20、时用one)you yourselfit theythis suchXX is less sophisticated than what they are today XX is less sophisticated than they are today5.冠词错误(1)定冠词多余on the either side on either sidein the Europe in Europein the winter in winter (季节前不加定冠词)Kaufman, the/an author of a recent book Kaufman, author of a recent

21、book(同位语间完全对等关系,不必使用冠词)take the issue take issue(对持异议,不同意)(2)定冠词缺漏among most among the mostone of first one of the firstatmosphere the atmosphere(表示独一无二的事物)(另外还有如:the Equator, the Outerspace)between us and rest between us and the restin minority in the minorityaround floor around the floorpiano the

22、piano (西洋乐器的前面要有定冠词)English language the English languageat heart of at the heart ofworld the world(表示“地球”这种独一无二的事物要加定冠词)in long run in the long run(3)定冠词与不定冠词之间的误用illustrate the further difference illustrate a further difference (diference第一次提及)注意以下短语的区别in church in the churchat college at the coll

23、egein court in the courtin hospital in the hospitalin office in the officein prison in the prisonat sea at the seain school in the schoolat table at the table6.形容词与副词使用错误have been currently currentbe well equipped as be as well equipped asheavy industrialized heavily-industrializedspread colossal sp

24、read colossallysimilar strong similarly strongkeep the number constantly at X a year keep number constant at X a yearfeel hopeless thwarted feel hopelessly thwartedcomparative high proportion comparatively high proportion(quakes) start deeply in the earth start deep in the earthin the passed 5 years

25、 in the past 5 yearsculture embedded attitudes culturally embedded attitudesas much as as often asfrom one meter afar from one meter awayincreasing increasinglysimple simplypure purelymuch manymany morelarge largerearly earlier7.成分残缺或多余(单复数错误)a world which I could get a world in which I could getsho

26、ws that shows (先行词在定语从句中作主语,关系代词不可省略)take for granted that take it for granted that1980 1980sone of the most glaring form one of the mist glaring formstheir jobs engage in their interest their jobs engage their interest (engage单独使用表示“占用(某人时间),吸引(某人注意力)”)complain about sth complain sthwork sth work o

27、ut sthbelieve in believe (believe单独使用表示一般的“相信”,believe in表示“信任某人,信仰”)point sth point out sth20 percents 20 percenteyes contact eye contactseven sevenththe process which it function the process by which it functioncommunication service communicationsservice (通信服务、通讯服务)average incomes average income (

28、income为不可数名词)the like of the likes of(诸如此类的)be referred to XX be referred to as XXbe viewed as work of are be viewed as a work of art(work作为“作品”讲时,为可数名词)8.时态或语态错误went goagreeing agreedconsisted consistingbored boringfavoring favoredif she was if she were(非真实条件句)involves involvingwill would (虚拟语气中)delaying delayed (已完成概念或者被动概念)the promise of improving quality of life the promise of improved quality of life (已完成概念或者被动概念)assure assures (第三人称单数)have has




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